Friday, May 6, 2011

Global HW Cycle 4

HW #1
Colisseom book: pg 885-888 pg. 889 (questions 1-3)
Effiel tower book: pg 731-733, 882-88 pg. 887 (question 2-5)
taj Mahal: pg. 997-1003 questions on pg 1003 (1-4)

HW#2 Africa
Colisseom: pg 916-920 #1-3 at the end
Eiffel tower: pg. 726-730, #2-5 AND pg 908-913 (#2-5)
Taj Mahal: og 1012-1016, 1040-1045 questions on 1045 (#2-5)

HW#3 Middle East
Colisseum: pg 901-905 (#1-3)
Effiel Tower : pg 894-898 (#2-5)
Taj Mahal: 1017-1023 (#1-4)

HW#4 Fall of Soviet Union
Colisseum: pg 921-925 pg925 (#1-3)
Effiel Tower: pg. 843-848 (#2-5)
Taj Mahal: pg. 1046-1051 (#1-4)

HW #5: Worksheet about Russia Today

HW#6: German Reunification: Read pages 1053-1054 or 923-924 (if these pages don't match your book go to the index and look up Fall of Berlin wall and answer 1-3 at end of chapter)
1. Why was Germany able to reunify?
2. Is Germany better off being unified than separated? Why?

HW#7: Yugoslavia: Read pages 1056-1058 or 928-930 (if these pages don't match your book go to the index and look up Yugoslavia/Milosevich and answer 1-3 at end of chapter)
1. Define: ethnic cleansing
2. Identify: Slobodan Milosevic
3. How were Muslims treated in the former Yugoslavia?
4. Why did civil war break out in Yugoslavia?
5. How did NATO contribute to keeping peace in the region?

HW #8: Globalization: Read pages 1076-1078 or 947-948(if these pages don't match your book go to the index and look up Globalization and answer 1-3 at end of chapter)
1. Define: global economy, free trade, World Trade Organization, European Union
2. Discuss two arguments for and two arguments against economic globalization

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Book 1 World History: Patterns (Golden coliseum on cover)
HW #9: p 855-860 (1-3) (Fri 3/25)
HW #10: p 863-870 (p 867 1-3) AND (p870 1-3) (Wed 3/30)
HW #11:p 871-877 (1-3) (Wed 4/6)
HW #12 p. 855-889 (1-3) (Fri 4/8)

Book 2 World History: Connection to Today (Eiffel tower image)
HW #9: p 828-833 (1-4) (Fri 3/25)
HW #10: p 731-733 (1-5)_ (Wed 3/30)
HW #11:p 734-737 (1-4) (Wed 4/6)
HW #12 p. 862-867 (1-5) (Fri 4/8)

Book 3 New York Edition Patterns (Taj Mahal on cover)
HW #9: p 965-970 (1-5) (Fri 3/25)
HW #10: p 972-975 (1-5) (Wed 3/30)
HW #11:p 976-987 (1-3 on 976 and 1-3 on 987) (Wed 4/6)
HW #12 p. 997-1003 (1-3) and 1012-1016 (1-3) (Fri 4/8)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Global Studies HW - Cycle 3 - To MidCycle

Global Studies HW Sheet
Double check which textbook you have and make sure the hw pages match your textbook.

Week 1 – January 31st HW due Wednesdays and Fridays

HW #1
Book 1: World History: Patterns of Interaction (Golden coliseum on the front cover)
p 801-806 questions 1,2,3

Book 2: World History: Connections to Today (Eiffel tower image on the front cover)
p. 761-765 questions 3,4,5,6.

Book 3: New York Edition World History: Patterns of Interaction (Taj mahal on the front cover)
p. 904-909 questions 3,4,5,7

HW #2
Book 1: World History: Patterns of Interaction (Golden coliseum on the front cover)
p 807-810 questions 1,2,3.

Book 2: World History: Connections to Today (Eiffel tower image on the front cover)
P 757-760 questions 2,3,4 and create a Venn diagram comparing Mussolini and Hitler.

Book 3: New York Edition World History: Patterns of Interaction (Taj Mahal on the front cover)
p 910-914 questions 2,3,4,5

Week 2 – February 7th HW due Wednesdays and Fridays

HW #3
Book 1: World History: Patterns of Interaction (Golden coliseum on the front cover)
p 811-815 question 1,2,3

Book 2: World History: Connections to Today (Eiffel tower image on the front cover)
P 770-774 question 2,3,4,5

Book 3: New York Edition World History: Patterns of Interaction (Taj mahal on the front cover)
p. 915-919 questions 2,3,4,5

HW #4
Book 1: World History: Patterns of Interaction (Golden coliseum on the front cover)
p 821-826 questions 1,2,3

Book 2: World History: Connections to Today (Eiffel tower image on the front cover)
p 775-780 question 1,2,3,5

Book 3: New York Edition World History: Patterns of Interaction (Taj mahal on the front cover)
p 925-930 questions 1,2,3,4

Week 3– February 14th HW due Wednesdays and Fridays

HW #5
Book 1: World History: Patterns of Interaction (Golden coliseum on the front cover)
p 831-834 question 1,2,3

Book 2: World History: Connections to Today (Eiffel tower image on the front cover)
P 781-786 question 2,3,4,5

Book 3: New York Edition World History: Patterns of Interaction (Taj mahal on the front cover)
p. 936-939 questions 2,3,4,5

HW #6
Book 1: World History: Patterns of Interaction (Golden coliseum on the front cover)
p 827-830 questions 1,2,3

Book 2: World History: Connections to Today (Eiffel tower image on the front cover)
P 787-790 questions 1,2,3,4,5

Book 3: New York Edition World History: Patterns of Interaction (Taj mahal on the front cover)
p. 931-935 questions 1,2,3

Week 4: February 28th HW due Wednesdays and Fridays


Book 1: World History: Patterns of Interaction (Golden coliseum on the front cover)
p 827-830 questions 1,2,3

Book 2: World History: Connections to Today (Eiffel tower image on the front cover)
P 787-790 questions 1,2,3,4,5

Book 3: New York Edition World History: Patterns of Interaction (Taj mahal on the front cover)
p. 931-935 questions 1,2,3

HW #8
Book 1: World History: Patterns of Interaction (Golden coliseum on the front cover)
p 835-841 questions 1,2,3

Book 2: World History: Connections to Today (Eiffel tower image on the front cover)
P 791-795 questions 1,2,3,4

Book 3: New York Edition World History: Patterns of Interaction (Taj mahal on the front cover)
p. 940-947 questions 1,2,3, 5

Study for Mid Cycle Exam

Thursday, January 6, 2011


#10 p 773-776 questions 1-4 Due Thursday

#11 p 775-780 questions 1-3 Due Friday

#12 p 795-800 questions 1-5 Due Monday


#10 p 702-206
Questions 1-5

#11 p. 707-712
Questions 1-5

#12 p. 713-717
Questions 2-5