Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Feminist Web Quest


Respond on a separate sheet of paper - to be collected.

I. Go to: http://finallyfeminism101.wordpress.com/the-faqs/faq-roundup/
1. Scroll down to the questions. Look around – pick a question anywhere on the site and answer that you find fascinating. Which one did you pick and explain why.

2. How would you respond to this person’s answer?

3. What would you agree or disagree with?
What would you add?

II. Go to: http://www.lyricsdownload.com/dar-williams-when-i-was-a-boy-lyrics.html
4. This song is written and sung by a woman. What is her main message in the song?

IV. Check out some of these feminist websites. They are all different feminist websites. Pick one:

5. Which ones do you like and why?

6. What things can you see and find on this website?

7. What do you wish was different, if anything?

8. You can answer this question or the next one. If you were to make a feminist magazine or “zine” what would you include in it? What would you leave out, if anything?

8. Write up a scenario – it can be about anything. Something on the news, something that happened to you, something you observed, something you once read in a book, something you once studied in history class, something from your imagination (but it has to do with the real world). Describe what a feminist would say about it. Why is that a feminist perspective?

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