Friday, October 31, 2008

6/7 A quiz

Here is the correct quiz. Remember, "A" answers are conservative and "B" answers are liberal. If you need to know what a conservative would feel about immigration or abortion, go to these questions and see what the "A" answer is. You don't have to do anything with this quiz - just use it as a guideline to help you figure out the different views for the different positions. You could retake the quiz to see what YOUR position is, since the quiz you got in class today wasn't accurate.

Circle the response that best fits your viewpoint.

1. You think that the death penalty is
A. fair sometimes, because some criminals are too bad to be left alive
B. cruel and unfair – can be racist - and is a bad way to solve crime

2. The government should
A. allow parents to choose how schools will teach children
B. put more money into schools for more resources

3. You think having a gun
A. is an American right and people should be able to have one if they want
B. can be dangerous and not everyone should be able to get one

4. Homeless people
A. should just get a job; it's their fault that they are homeless
B. should get help from the government with money from taxes of those who work

5. Illegal immigrants
A. should be made to leave the country
B. do the jobs most Americans don't want

6. Marriage should
A. only be between a man and a woman
B. be allowed for lesbians and gay people

7. The war in Iraq
A. will spread democracy and equality
B. is about oil and should end

8. Poor people should
A. not get welfare because it costs others who work hard – people on welfare abuse the system and think they can get the same amount of money for not doing any work.
B. get welfare to help them get back on their feet and be successful people

9. Taxes are
A. too high and should be lowered
B. a way to pay for programs that people need
TURN OVER --------------------------------------------- >

10. The government should
A. tax the poor and the rich the same – rich people need to keep their money too so they can hire more people for their companies and make more jobs.
B. tax the richest people most - the people at the bottom never really see that money anyway.

11. The government should
A. stay out of the lives of people
B. be involved in people's lives

12. Government programs
A. cost too much of tax payers' dollars – we should find other people and organizations who should do the programs instead of having the government do it. The government only has specific jobs it has to do – it shouldn’t be in charge or extra programs.
B. should be made to help people – it is the government’s responsibility.

13. The government should
A. provide healthcare for those who don't have it
B. allow others to find their own way of paying for healthcare

14. If some poor and sick people get help from the government,
A. they will become weak and would never learn to help themselves
B. they will become better people and would help the country become a better place

15. The government should
A. help some schools use religion as a way to teach the lessons and values many no longer have
B. keep religion out of schools, because there are many different religions and not everyone believes in the same thing

16. Abortion is
A. Murder
B. A woman’s right to choose if she should go through with a pregnancy

Some of the issues I care about that are not listed here are:

Politics do/do not matter to me because:

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